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Home > Student Services > How do I get my books?
How do I get my books?
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Textbooks for the college are managed by a company called eCampus. You will purchase your books online. Physical textbooks and loose-leaf books, or other items such as uniforms, kits, and equipment, can either be shipped to one of our campus bookstores for pick-up, or directly to your home for a shipping fee.


There are two ways to access eCampus: you can follow a direct link to the site at or you can click on the eCampus app within your MyCampus page.


Clicking on the MyCampus app will automatically log you in to eCampus. If you follow the link instead, your sign-on information for eCampus will be your student email address and your MyCampus password. If you have not signed into MyCampus before, have not set up a MyCampus password, or run into sign-on issues, follow the steps here.


Your list of textbooks and other required purchases is generated from your Blackboard class list. Your Blackboard classes may not be visible until two weeks before the beginning of the semester - if it is past that date, and you still do not see any Blackboard classes, contact your campus iTLC. If you do see classes in Blackboard, but do not see any materials in eCampus, use either the "schedule" or the "course" search at the bottom of the main eCampus page.

Need to find your schedule? Check out our article on "How do I find my class schedule?"


If your textbooks cannot be delivered before classes begin, you are entitled to access to a free digital copy of the textbook in question - send an email to [email protected] and provide your order number, course number, student ID number, and the name of the book.



Please note: campus bookstores and libraries do not stock textbooks for purchase, rental, or checkout. Your materials must be purchased through eCampus.

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