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Home > Innovative Teaching and Learning Center (iTLC) > How do I obtain my student ID card?
How do I obtain my student ID card?
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If you are looking for the means to get your NorthwoodTech badge for clinicals:

Please reach out to your instructor for directions.


If you are looking to create your student ID card:

Please submit a request through this form:


You will be asked to submit a photo. Photo requirements:

  • Be similar to a driver’s license or passport photo.
  • Have a plain background.
  • Have a clear view of your face.
  • Be a straight-on shot from the waist up. No “selfie” angles.
  • No hats or scarves, except those that are of religious purpose.
  • No masks.
  • No filter.
  • No poses. Arms at side.

Once you have filled out this form, a Classroom Support Assistant will be in contact with you to schedule an appointment to pick it up. You will be asked to sign your ID, so we unfortunately cannot have someone else pick it up for you. Please bring your driver’s license or other photo ID to the appointment.

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