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Home > Blackboard > How do I use Blackboard's Discussions?
How do I use Blackboard's Discussions?
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Discussion Boards and Discussions are used for students to have conversations with each other about assignments, readings, course work, or studying.  Your instructor will start a "Forum," which is just a topic of conversation, to which you can replay your thoughts and start conversing with other students. 

Original Courses


 Click on "Discussion Board," read any directions from your instructor, click on the "Forum" you'd like to comment on, then hit "Create Thread" to type out your thoughts.  You can save what you typed as a "Draft" to finish later or "Submit" to make it available to all the other students.  Keep in mind you can't usually edit your post once you hit "Submit," so double-check everything first.


For more information on discussion boards, visit our iTLC site.  Discussion Boards for Original Courses

Please check out Blackboard Help's article on Blackboard Discussions for a video demonstration and some handy walkthroughs.


Ultra Courses


Access discussions from the Discussions Page in your course.  Select a discussion from the list.



For more information on discussions, visit our iTLC site.  Discussions In Blackboard Ultra

Please check out Blackboard Help's article on Blackboard Discussions for a video demonstration and some handy walkthroughs.

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