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Home > Innovative Teaching and Learning Center (iTLC) > How To Access Northwood Tech Technology
How To Access Northwood Tech Technology
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Accessing Northwood Technology


Step 1.  After you are admitted to the college, you can access the MyNorthwoodTech Portal.


Primary access is on, click on the MyNorthwoodTech link and click on the Sign on Assistance icon and follow the instructions to create your password.  MyNorthwoodTech is used to access self-service functions such as enrollment, checking your schedule, grades, payments, financial aid, etc.  


Please note that this password is temporary and will be replaced by your MyCampus password when registration opens.


Direct URL to MyNorthwoodTech:  MyNorthwoodtech Sign-On




Step 2.  After you are admitted,  you can access the MyCampus Portal


Registration dates:  Click Here
MyCampus first-time account setup:  Click Here


The MyCampus portal will provide you with one-stop sign-on to all your important Northwood Tech applications including:


Please note that after creating a MyCampus password, it will replace the MyNorthwoodTech password you created in Step 1.


Direct URL to MyCampus Portal: Click here


Technology Help & Support


Help Desk:

Technology Help Desk services. 

Call for support - Off-Campus: 715-475-1111 or On Campus: Dial 1111. 

You may also submit a ticket online, chat or email: [email protected]


Library support:

The Library is located in the Innovative Teaching and Learning Center (iTLC) and is here to help you with all of your information resources needs during your educational career.

We have trained staff to help you find the information you're looking for and help you bring that information into your work. Stop into the library books, journals, laptop checkout, newspapers, and research help.

You can access our library catalog, journal databases, eBooks, and streaming videos online, and check out our FAQ.


Learning Technology Center support:

The Learning Technology Center is located in the Innovative Teaching and Learning Center (iTLC).

College is all about technology, and the Learning Technology Center staff are here to provide on-the-ground support. Students have access to a computer lab that has all the software necessary to be successful students at Northwood Tech.  Students also have access to printers (both color and black and white), copiers, and scanners. 

Your technology experts are here to assist you with all the Northwood Tech online applications, online resources for your classes, your computers or personal devices, software installs, and much more.


Your Northwood Email Account


Your Student Email: Primary access through the MyCampus Portal: Click Here


Email is the official form of communication with students at Northwood Tech. Please check your Northwood email regularly. Your Northwood Tech student email account is hosted through the Microsoft Office365 service. It also includes Cloud services for email, Microsoft Office, Skype, Teams, and OneDrive.


Download Office365 & Install Details


Email on your phone:

These directions guide you in connecting your Northwood Tech email with your cell phone.


Online Course Management (Blackboard)


Blackboard Learning Management System:  

Primary access through the MyCampus Portal: Click Here

Direct URL:  


This is the Northwood Tech online course management system.  For first-year students, you will have access to Blackboard about 2 weeks prior to your first semester.

You can now access your Northwood Tech Blackboard classes from your mobile devices. The Blackboard app is Blackboard’s mobile app for students.  With this free app, you can work in your classes, take exams, view your grades and participate in Blackboard Collaborate sessions from your phone.

To install the BB app on your device, search for Blackboard in Google Play for Android devices, Windows Store for Windows phones, and The App Store for Apple devices.

Once you have the Blackboard app installed on your device, search for Northwood Technical College.  Then log in using the same username and password that you normally use to log into Blackboard from a computer.

For an overview of how Blackboard Student works, you can watch this video

You can also go to Blackboard’s help site to find a Quick Start Guide, FAQs, and more


An Orientation to Blackboard can be accessed by this link: Home - Blackboard Landing Page.


Microsoft Teams Web Conferencing


Microsoft Teams is a web conferencing platform you may use to attend the class using the Internet by clicking on the instructor-provided Microsoft Teams link.  You will see and hear your instructor and view any content they share on your computer.


Below is a guide with more information on connecting to a class and using Microsoft Teams.  

Microsoft Teams


Emergency Alert Information


Northwood Emergency Alert Information:

The emergency alert system is used by Northwood Tech to announce emergency and weather-related closings. The communications can be sent to your phone, SMS text, and email.


Miscellaneous Technologies


Academic Support:

Visit your campus Learning Resource Center for assistance with research, class assignments and help with the college’s electronic resources, or use our chat/text reference service.


Requesting Transcripts:

Order official and request unofficial transcripts online.



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Northwood Tech College Student Orientation

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