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Home > Computer & Software > How do I print documents from my personal device?
How do I print documents from my personal device?
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The college uses a program called PaperCut to manage all of our printers.  To print from your personal device, such as a laptop, log into your PaperCut account from your MyCampus apps.


1. Make sure your device is connected to the "Northwood_Student" wi-fi.

2. Log into your MyCampus portal through NorthwoodTech's home page. 


3. Click on the Papercut tile.



4. Log into your PaperCut using your (8-digit Student ID# and MyCampus password).

login with your network login

5. On the left, click on Web Print

click on web print

6. Next, click on Submit a Job

click on Submit a job

7. Click on Upload from Computer and select the files you want to print from your computer

8. Click on Upload & Complete

9. A que will show with any documents you sent: it will change from "Rendering job" to "Held in a queue." The job is ready to log into a campus "secureprint" printer with your student ID# and release the files for printing. 

status will change from "rendering job" to "held in a queue" when ready



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