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Home > Student Services > How do I post a job with Northwood Tech?
How do I post a job with Northwood Tech?
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Northwood Technical College uses Handshake for employers to post jobs for students and alums.  Handshake is a free service that connects employers with Wisconsin Technical System students and graduates across Wisconsin in programs related to the work you have. 


Check out the career services page, where you will find more information.  Career Services


Steps to Post a Job


  1. Go to the Handshake website and click Sign up Here.

        Handshake Home page


  1. Choose, I am an employer.

         Choose I am an Employer


 3.  Enter your work email, create a password, and click Sign Up.

       Enter Employer information


  1. Enter the requested information, and skip the alma mater information.  Click Next: Employer Guidelines


        Enter detail informatin


  1. Check the “I agree to the Terms…” statement.
  2. Uncheck “I agree to receive marketing…” (unless you want to receive marketing communications from Handshake).
  3. Click No for the 3rd party recruiter question.
  4. Click Next: Confirm Email.


        Confirmation window


  1. Check the Inbox of the email address you entered for a message from Handshake—Click Confirm Email in that communication.



  1. If your company already has a Handshake account, type the company name in the search field, click Search, and select your company from the search results.  You will then be guided through submitting a request to “join” the company.
  2. If your company is new to Handshake, click “Create New Company.”

        Find your company window


  1. Enter all requested information.  The website field is required, and you will not be able to proceed without it being filled in. If your business does not have a website enter its Facebook page address, LinkedIn profile page, or the address of any online presence your business has.


  1. Select the “Midwest” region to narrow the search
  1. Type “Northwood” into the search field and click Search.
  2. The search results should include Northwood Tech with a Rice Lake location – this selection will include all four campuses and online program students.
  3. Click the plus sign to select.
  4. Repeat for any other schools you would like to connect with.

        Select Midwest region window


  1. Selecting Northwood Technical College will trigger an option to connect all the technical colleges in Wisconsin; then click Add all these schools if you would like your job postings to target students in all Wisconsin technical colleges.
  2. Click Next: Finish.
  3. Your company information will be placed in the approval queue of a Northwood Tech system administrator (and an administrator at any other school you have selected for connection) for review.  You will receive a notice from Handshake as each school approves/declines your connection requests.  Your job posting(s) will become visible to students if approved.


        List of schools

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