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3/3/25-Per Microsoft service interruption for the 1-800 and other main campus numbers has been resolved.


Showing articles from phone tag

Phones: iTLC Classroom Support Hotline

How to reach out to iTLC Classroom Support using the Teams Phone client on your computer iTLC Classroom Support is for basic issues like password resets, first time login assistance, basic technology issues and active support in the classrooms.  To contact Classroom Support in the iTLC: In Teams, click on the C…

Can I change my address or phone number online?

You can change both your address and your phone number through your MyNorthwoodtech  student portal. Please click on the PDF located on the right under  Attachments  for a downloadable copy of these instructions. 1) Log into MyNorthwoodTech 2) Navigate to your Student Center 3) Scroll down to the  Per…

How do I print documents from my personal device?

The college uses a program called PaperCut to manage all of our printers.  To print from your personal device, such as a laptop, log into your PaperCut account from your MyCampus apps. 1. Make sure your device is connected to the "Northwood_Student" wi-fi. 2. Log into your MyCampus portal through NorthwoodTech's …

Setting up Northwood Tech email on a mobile phone.

You have a few options to access your Northwood Tech email on your smartphone.   You will want to access email from your phone after you have set up your MyCampus account as a first-time user.   Set up MyCampus as a first-time user . Choose one of the below options to access your email from your phone: * Throug…

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